Thursday, May 21, 2009

The name's Erin. And you are...?

Hi there! My name is Erin. I'm twenty years old and family is extremely important to me. I come from a large Irish family, which means I have lots of aunts and uncles and cousins and reunions are always a little chaotic. I will admit, however, that despite the constant craziness I love having a big, eccentric family and I wouldn't have it any other way. In my immediate family I have both of my parents who are going on 22 years of marriage and are still head over heels in love. What can I say? They found their happily-ever-afters in one another. <3 I have a younger sister named Elissa. We have a love-hate relationship. We pick on each other constantly, the meaner the better, but heaven help the poor sap who tries to pick on her. I won't have it. And she won't tolerate anyone else picking on me either. Ahh, sisterly love. =] Another big part of our family is the dog population. We have five dogs. They're small, but they always manage to be underfoot.
My family and I lived in Indianapolis until I was almost ten and then we moved to a small farm town outside of Indy. My neighbors had cows. That was quite a change from the continuous drone of traffic. I finished out my elementary and high school years in this town, graduating in the top of my small class. Now I am a student and aspiring teacher at IUPUI. I have wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember. I remember helping my friend paste a heart to a card he was making in kindergarten and thinking, "Yeah, I could do this when I grow up." Little kids and the salty scent of paste. What's not to love? My dreams shifted only twice for the next fifteen years of my life. Once to cooking before I realized I can't actually cook. And once to nursing, but the sight and smell (yes, smell) of blood make me faint. Clearly teaching is the place for me. It always has been.
Not for me, however, is advanced technology. When I signed up for this class I thought, "Oh great. Another exploitation of my severe lack in technological common sense." Yeah... I really talk like that sometimes. It makes me feel smart. =] So far I am fairly comfortable with everything we have done and extremely proud of myself for stepping outside of my limited comfort zone and trying something new. This blog, for instance, is something I never would've done on my own and for no other reason than it was unfamiliar. I'm glad I had an opportunity to use this technology though because it was obsenely easy to create and personalize. All you have to do is follow the step by step instructions and BAM! you're a blogger. The only words of advice that I have to newcomers is to breathe. Take it easy, read the instructions, and start slow. You'll get through it. Trust me. If I can do it, you can too.


  1. I love your template! I will definitely have to check the site where you got it from!I as well have neighbors with cows. Haha Weird. It was great hearing about you!

  2. Hey! I feel you, I have a big family as well and also the family reunions are constant especially on the holidays! It is nice to hear that your parents are still head over heels in love for 22 years already. Sister love, yes also feel you! I believe we many things in common because I also wanted to be a nurse but thinking about blood also changes my vision towards nursing! Technology is not one of my biggies either and talking like that makes you unique! True, the blog is the first thing I have ever done as well and reading the instructions helped me get through this! Nice Blog!

  3. Oh my gosh I was just SO intrigued by your love story its so adorable and sweet!! Im glad you two ended up together and you have an amazing story to tell about how it happened! I also LOVE your background! And I myself am horrible at technology and dread its existence lol!! Have a wondeful daY!!!
