Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Call me superwoman.

Update on the previous 'HELP!' post.
I finished up all my assignments and class assessments and (drum roll please) I learned to play the piano in three days!! AND I got an A+ on my music final.
Like I said, call me Superwoman. =)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Okay... I'll admit that I am the queen of procrastination. So by now i'm a pro at balancing end of term stress and procrastination. But this semester may just take the cake. I now have 4 days to learn to play three songs on a keyboard (and record myself playing as proof)... did i mention that I don't even know how to play the piano?? Yeah... FOUR DAYS. And (as if that wasn't enough) I have an exam on monday ((the same day the God forsaken video is due)), an assignment due tomorrow, and another assignment due friday. And none of that is including the 6th module due in my tech class. What the... AAHHHHH!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009


My delicious link:

I picked a bunch of sites... The interesting articles I found include health related and discipline related articles and resources. They're tagged as such. I found this project to be fun, quick, and easy. ((My favorite kind of project)) ;)

Monday, June 1, 2009

My first podcast!! Woot Woot!

Hi! So this is my first experience with podcasting and I had a lot of fun doing this. Podcasting is an audio recording. It can serve many purposes including (but not limited to) sharing recipes and original stories, voicing thoughts, and completing school assignments. It is useful because it is an opportunity to learn more about today's technology. It is universal and almost instantaneous. It yet another form of self expression.
My personal experience with podcasting was a rocky one. I decided I wanted to try and do it all on my own. After a few hours I decided to look at the Podcasting 101 link posted under module 3. This link was immensely helpful. As it turns out I had missed a crucial step in the beginning and could not proceed any further than I already had. I fixed the mistake and it was smooth sailing from there. Another thing that made this project difficult (besides my stubbornness) was the fact that I have zero music on my computer. I'm not a fan of downloading and my CD player fell out of my computer making it difficult to burn music from CDs. So I took a song my boyfriend sent to me just a few days ago and created my own music for my podcast. This was extremely gratifying and not nearly as difficult as I had imagined.

Here is the link to my podcast! ((I created it on podbean as suggested by a classmate and I hope, hope, hope it works!))
M-M-My First Podcast

My only suggestion is to take your time. Look at the helpful links and videos and follow the instructions given. It really does help. Scouts honor. (I've never been a scout... but it does help!) Try and have music on your computer before you attack this project... If you don't, don't worry about it. It's not the end of the world. You can make your own music. =] Find a song. Find a part you like if you don't like the whole piece. Copy and paste it in a way that you like and make it a song. and BAM! you're a music maker.